And the winner is...

For the first time ever, this month we held a Nominal Design Competition. It called out to all the talented individuals of the Nominal Family and asked them to contribute to our new Ramadan packaging, leaving them with a 4-inch circle in the center of our box to let their creativity run wild.

While we had never done anything of the sort, we're so glad that we gave this chance to our supporters. They showed up with flying colors and proved that talent can be found all across the globe. From hand-drawn beauties to digitized artwork, we got to see an array of unique designs, combining English, Arabic, animation, colors, and calligraphy like we've never seen before.

While we were expecting a handful of submissions, we were blown a way by well over 100 unique submissions filling up our inbox, making our decision much harder than we had anticipated. From hilarious to elegant to straight-up impressive, we got to see so many sides of art from around the world, but we were sad to admit to ourselves that only one could be the winner. 

After careful consideration and comparisons, we chose Alaa Ali as the Nominal Box Design Competition winner. She combined Arabic calligraphy with a beautiful crescent and a hanging chandelier, all in unison with a colorway found on the floral design of the box. She goes by @artbyalaaa on Instagram and has proven that passion and hard work always end up triumphant. Check out her Instagram and be sure to keep your eyes peeled during the Ramadan season. When you order your next Nominal piece, you may want to keep the box. Thanks again to all the talented individuals who entered, and we hope to see all your talent come back around in the next competition! Check out Alaa's gorgeous design below!






QoReiOJYDSPfhgNH اگست 18, 2020

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