Welcome to JOURNEYS by Nominal
Location: Banff, Alberta, Canada

In this series, we explore the journey that each of us is on in our walk of life.

In Episode 01 below, Just Beyond Yourself, we follow Morgan, an adventurer that carries around a piece of her grandma’s history with her.

Reminiscing on her grandmother’s strong and firm personality, Morgan knows the importance of living by David White’s words: Just beyond yourself, it’s where you need to be.

This line may mean something different to each of you. Whether it’s the fact that your comfort zone may be holding you back in life, or that “beyond” is an ever-moving goalpost that encourages an eternal work in progress, this phrase rings true for Morgan in a way that motivates her to continuously see what the world has to offer.

Enjoy the experience of Journeys.

"My grandmother is a striaght shooter and always encourages me to get out of my own way. My desire to live adventurously comes directly from the knowledge that I stand on the shoulders of her hard work and sacrifice. I wear these coordinates to remind me of her home and the tiny tough woman who started it all. There's a poem by David White that brings her to mind. The opening line reads, "Just beyond yourself up. It's where you need to be. Half a step into self-forgetting and the rest restored by what you'll meet." To me, this line captures the expanse of life. Moving beyond what you know and letting the people and places you meet fill in the rest." - Morgan Ann Smith

Behind the Scenes

Creative Director, Photographer and DP: Ammar Habib
Video Co-Edited by: Jarell Mique & Ammar Habib
Model: Morgan Ann Smith
Behind the Scenes Photography: Sameer Ali